west virginia legislature

By David Shanet Clark

On the 60th and final day of the 2023 legislature, the House of Delegates continued to approve resolutions and finalize bills for passage. Sixteen will be the new minimum threshold age for marriage in West Virginia after the Senate amended the passed House bill which had mandated an 18 year old minimum. National news outlets decried the Senate Judiciary Committee’s decision to kill the minimum age bill Thursday, then it was radically amended (from age 18 to age 16) before being sent back to the House. The final language allows 16 and 17 year-olds to petition the court or get parental guardian consent to marry. Conditions include a declaration that no duress is present and the other partner can be no more than four years older than the high school age bride or groom. 15 and younger will no longer be allowed to marry in West Virginia and annulment will be allowed to married minors up until age 18. 

House Bill 2814 passed the Senate. The bill creates the Hydrogen power Task Force which would study hydrogen-fueled energy in WV’s economy and energy infrastructure by reviewing regulations and current legislation, document federal incentives, identify potential sources of hydrogen and make recommendations.

The new state Commission will have seven members: one representative each from the electric utility, fossil fuel energy, manufacturing, and environmental sector plus the chair of the PSC, with the Secretary of the DEP and Secretary of the Department of Economic Development participating. The new Hydrogen Commission will submit its report by July 1, 2024 then disband.

The House also passed a number of binding concurrent resolutions Saturday, with Representative Gary Howell from Mineral County (who was lead sponsor of 52 regular house bills) authoring four of them:

Concurrent Resolution 70: Requesting a study to assess on selective regulation of short-term rental properties.  Lead sponsor, Del. Howell.

C.R. 71: That November 7th be designated as “Pastor Appreciation Day” in West Virginia. Lead sponsor, Del. Vance.

C.R. 72: To study the effect of the establishment Whole-Homes Repair Act of 2023. Lead sponsor, Del. Mazzocchi.

C.R. 73: Requesting a study to assess whether amending the tax code to provide tax incentives upon manufacturing. Lead sponsor, Del. Howell.

C.R. 74: Requesting a study to assess whether the code contains outdated excessive or unecessary provisions. Lead sponsor, Del. Howell.

C.R. 75: Requesting a study concerning the construction of State welcome centers. Lead sponsor, Del. Howell.

C.R. 76: Requesting a study of creating regional intra-state co-operative tourism districts. Lead sponsor, Del. Storch.

C.R. 77: Requesting a study concerning tourism related infrastructure issues in the post Covid-19 era. Lead sponsor, Del. Storch. 

C.R. 79: Requesting the Department of Economic Development to create a plan of incentives to encourage small businesses based in agri-tourism, craft breweries, distilleries, vineyards, wineries and other specialized agriculture of tourist interest to locate or relocate to West Virginia. Lead sponsor, Del. Hornby.

 C.R. 8: Requesting Joint Committee on Government and Finance study on the problem of tire disposal and finding solutions to rid our landscape of waste tires.

Lead sponsor, Del. Hillenbrand.

C.R. 82: Designated February annually as West Virginia’s Cancer Prevention Month. Lead sponsor, Del. Capito.

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