West Virginia Capital Legisslature

By David Shanet Clark 

On Day 59 of the 60 day regular session of the West Virginia legislature in the Capitol in Charleston, forty bills have passed both the House of Delegates and the Senate and been signed into law by Governor Justice. Official Summaries marked * became law immediately upon being signed, while summaries marked # will become law 90 days after passage (usually on a given date in late April or May, 2023.)

SB 4: Creating Adopt-A-Trail volunteer programs for public land under DNR jurisdiction.#

SB 10: The Campus Self-Defense Act.*

SB 83: Authorizing tactical medical professionals to carry firearms.#

SB 89: Requiring hospitals to staff qualified personnel to perform sexual assault forensic exams.#

SB 132: Clarifying criminal offense of harassment.#

SB 143: Relating to Adopt-A-Stream Program.#

SB 161: Authorizing DNR to manage and dispose of property.*

SB 162: Authorizing director of DNR to lease state-owned spaces in certain areas for carbon sequestration.*

SB 207: Relating to state allocation of funding to regional councils.#

SB 231: Transferring administration of WV Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Matching Funds Program to Department of Economic Development.*

SB 239: Requiring Commissioner of Bureau for Behavioral Health to engage certain providers and leaders to study homeless demographic.#

SB 241: Patient Brokering Act.*

SB 275: Adding State Fire Marshals to statute included with law enforcement and first responders that receive information on school safety requirements.#

SB 591: Allowing counties and municipalities to jointly undertake development projects.#

SB 609: On obtaining approval for decommissioning or deconstructing of existing power plant.*

SB 679: Requiring Office of Inspector General to promulgate rules concerning location of forensic group homes.*

HB 2006: Reorganizing the Department of Health and Human Resources.#

HB 2018: Permitting the managed care case coordinator to attend the multidisciplinary team meeting.*

HB 2029: Repealing the creation of an all-payer claims database.*

HB 2062: To establish rules and regulations for e-bikes in West Virginia that more closely comport to federal law.#

HB 2412: Declaring November 14th every year, as a special Memorial Day in remembrance of the Marshall University airplane crash.#

HB 2506: Creating a title clearinghouse for non-resident businesses.*

HB 2526: Reducing the personal income tax.*

HB 2530:  Extending the expiration of temporary registration plates from sixty days to ninety days.#

HB 2533: Relating to a permanent windshield placard to be valid for the duration of the applicant’s life.#

HB 2564: Repeal of administrative hearing procedures for DUI offenses.#

HB 2596: To modify when a nonresident student’s transfer may be denied.#

HB 2602: Reestablishing certain specialized school service personnel classifications.*

HB 2776: Updating meaning of federal adjusted gross income and certain other terms used in West Virginia Personal Income Tax Act.*

HB 2777: Updating federal taxable income and other terms in the West Virginia Corporation Net Income Tax Act.*

HB 2800: Authorizing legislative rules regarding higher education.*

HB 2835: To repeal outdated provisions of state code relating to the West Virginia graduate college and Marshall University.#

HB 2845: Relating to removing expired provisions from the code.#

HB 2882: A supplemental appropriation to the Department of Economic Development.*

HB 3042: Relating to forbidding excessive government limitations on exercise of religion.#

HB 3055: To create a vocational math class for students interested in careers in the trades.#

HB 3061: Relating to updating the authority of the Foster Care Ombudsman.*

HB 3122: Permitting certain types of rifles using an encapsulated propellant charge that loads from the breech.#

HB 3164: To extend the termination date of the West Virginia Advisory Council on Rare Diseases due to a delay in beginning its duties.*

HB 3272: Relating to the operation of private trust companies in West Virginia.#

(Source: WV Legislature website; 3/10/23)

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