An agreement between Marshall University and Rajagiri College in Kerala, India will pave the way for exchange programs between the two institutions. 

The memorandum of understanding creates a partnership that will offer students and faculty unique opportunities to immerse themselves in diverse educational environments, enhancing their global perspectives and intercultural competencies.  

Marshall’s assistant provost for global education Dr. Zelideth Rivas helped coordinate the joint venture.  

“Marshall University is continuing its excellence in global education through this new partnership with Rajagiri College of Business and Rajagiri College of Social Sciences,” Rivas said. “This new partnership expands our existing collaborations with one of the most dynamic global markets. The proposed exchange agreement will allow students from Marshall to immerse themselves globally in the study of business and social science. We look forward to welcoming students from Rajagiri to our Marshall family and will showcase for them all the beauty that West Virginia has to offer.” 

By sharing different teaching methodologies, research approaches and cultural experiences, participants can gain a deeper understanding of global issues and innovative solutions, officials say. 

“This MoU is an exciting milestone in Rajagiri’s journey towards internationalization,” said Rev. Fr. Saju MD CMI, principal of Rajagiri College of Social Sciences. “We look forward to the mutual benefits this collaboration will bring to both our students and faculty. We are happy and excited to have Marshall University as one of our esteemed partners in the academic journey.” 

Photo Caption:  Marshall University officials, along with representatives from Rajagiri College in India, pose for a picture after signing a memorandum of understanding on Monday, May 20, creating an exchange program between the two institutions.  

From Marshall University Press Release

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