The skills required to effectively lead a city are not necessarily the same ones needed to win an election. To this point, I’ve focused mostly on learning about the key issues facing Huntington so I am prepared to lead after the election. However, in order for me to put the knowledge I’m gaining to good use, the first thing I have to do is win the election.

This week, I’ve begun to seriously engage in more traditional political campaign activities. Here are some of the things I’ve been doing and how you can help.

We ordered yard signs. Please get in touch with me if you would like one for your yard or window.

We booked public speaking engagements and agreed to attend several “meet the candidates” events. Please let me know if there is an event you think I should attend.

We started talking about the best time to have our first fundraiser. Please let me know if you would like to help host a fundraiser or attend one when it’s planned.

I have recently been meeting with important community leaders like church pastors and union leaders, and I’d like to meet with as many groups as I can. Please invite me to talk to your group, or introduce me to the leaders of your organization so we can set up a meeting.

With only eight weeks until early voting begins, there’s a lot to do. Rest assured, I’m going to continue doing deep dives into the core issues to ensure I’m ready to lead once I win. Winning, however, comes first.

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