By Bobby Vaughn Jr.

The Department of Energy and Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PORTS) management like to claim the uranium, neptunium and other radioactive elements, that have been detected around the plant, came from nuclear bomb testing performed at the Nevada Test Site back in the 1940s and 1950s.  Dr. Michael Ketterer, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry and BioChemistry at Northern Arizona University, proves otherwise!

When PORTS shut down during the “Covid Hiatus” and ceased operations, detectable uranium, neptunium, etc. in the air surrounding the plant dropped down to normal amounts.  Then, when PORTS brought their workforce back and continued open-air demolition of the plant, radioactive detections spiked significantly.  Dr. Ketterer provides us the smoking gun pertaining to radiation exposure near PORTS.  DOE, NRC, EPA, Centrus, and others can no longer deny their operations caused the deaths of countless innocent children, the unborn, mothers and fathers; both working at the plant, and trying to ensure a future for their family by living and working in the surrounding community.

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