Disc Golf has grown in popularity due to the ease of enjoyability for people of all ages as a lifetime fitness activity. Disc Golf has much in common with classic Golf in that they are both played on outdoor courses but instead of a ball and clubs, Disc Golf uses small sized frisbees that are skillfully launched to conquer each round. The Professional Disc Golf Association is a membership-based organization that has included over 200,000 lifetime members across 54 countries. Popular local Disc Golf courses can be found at Barboursville Park, Rotary Park, and Beech Fork.

Huntington’s 26th Ice Bowl disc golf tournament will be held at Rotary Park on Saturday, January 28. This year is a BYOP (bring your own partner) doubles event where competitors will play ‘best disc’ for both rounds. There will be a mix of pro and amateur divisions and teams will be placed based off the person with the highest rating. A portion of funds raised at this event will be donated to the Facing Hunger Foodbank and one raffle ticket will be exchanged for every ten cans of food donated. The entry fee is $82 per team and all Arms will get a disc for signing up.

As of Thursday, January 26, there are already 148 players registered with two on the waitlist for this XC-tier PDGA-sanctioned doubles tournament.


7:30-8:30am Check in at shelter by ball fields

8:45-9am Player’s meeting and group picture

9:15am-12:15pm Tee off first round

12:15pm-1:30pm Lunch

1:30-4:30pm Second Round

5pm Payouts

If you have questions about the Ice Bowl, contact tournament director Andy Harshbarger: vanmandiscs@gmail.com Tel. 304-412-4697

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