brainrot film screening huntington west virginia

By Trey Cobb

February’s open screening at the Foundry Theatre teased the arrival of a new feature film, directed by Huntingtonian Marshalll Scott of Time To Go Pictures. 

The project titled “Brainrot” would premiere March 1st at Cellar Door, and offered very little concrete description of the plot beforehand. 

So when I noticed Marshall Scott himself, sitting outside of his premiere just ten minutes prior to the start time, I was compelled by sheer curiosity to ask him some questions for HNN. 

Here’s the transcript of our conversation with Scott:

Trey Cobb: Without using your name, could you tell us who you are?

Marshall Scott: I’m someone who likes to make stuff that I would want to watch. I enjoy a lot of stuff including movies, and board games, and food. That’s essentially who I am…

TC: And what is your name?

MS: My name is Scott.

TC: Scott! Nice to meet you. 

MS: Nice to meet you as well.

TC: Where are you from?

MS: I’m from here.

TC: From Huntington?

MS: Yes.

TC: And you’re the director of Brainrot?

MS: And I wrote it, shot it, edited it, and everyone else made it happen.

TC: I notice that there’s not too much of an explanation, and love that there’s kind of a mystery behind this.

MS: Right…with it only being $700 to make it, it’s still something you’ve never seen. I want to keep the information as little as I can until people actually do see it. I’ve tried to do many features over the years, but luckily…at this point I realize it is lucky that it hasn’t worked out because I wasn’t ready, but now I feel like I am. I don’t know. I wouldn’t do anything that I do if I didn’t have some sort of passion for it.

TC: What’s one thing you’d tell the world if the whole world was listening?

MS: Start watching movies again…movie theaters are dead, but nothing anyone wants to watch. Just start watching movies again. 

brainrot film cellar door

Marshall Scott’s first feature film Brainrot premiered to a packed out Cellar Door; though there were no empty seats, there was plenty of profound joy and raucous laughter shared by all who attended. 

brainrot film cellar door

More information on the production company behind Brainrot, Time To Go Pictures can be found at 

Cellar Door is located at 905 3rd Avenue, Huntington, WV 25701 

cellar door huntington west virginia

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