huntington symphony orchestra west virginia

Saturday evening at Ritter Park Amphitheater, the Huntington Symphony Orchestra had a packed house of Broadway loving concert goers. The crowd was encouraged by conductor Kimo Furumoto to sing along with the show tunes. Four touring guest singers joined the symphony for various stage hits: Madeline Edwards DellaMorte, Kate Ragan, Eric Christopher Perry, and Eric Christopher.

After performing selections from Le Miserables (mid-show) they received a standing ovation! Then, the symphony continued with further entertainment including songs from shows like Phantom of the Opera, South Pacific, Secret Garden, and Carousel.

This was the final concert for the summer Picnic with the Pops season. The HSO will return in the fall/winter with their regular season of traditional classical music. Check the HSO website for updates on the next concert. 

The HSO concert program from 8.12.2023 is digitized here:

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